A Compact Dual Band Printed Monopole Antenna

Sudipta Das, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Santosh Kumar Chowdhury
2017 International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking  
In this paper, a microstrip line fed dual band printed monopole antenna for applications in WLAN, HiPERLAN, HisWaNa and WiMAX is presented. The presented antenna, occupying a compact size of 25×18 mm 2 embodies a simple microstrip line fed rectangular patch and a partial rectangular ground plane defected with small U shaped slot. The small U shaped slot having an area of only 3×4 mm 2 is introduced in the ground plane to obtain dual frequency operation with broad operating bandwidth. The
more » ... is fabricated on FR-4 substrate of thickness 1.585 mm and relative permittivity 4.4. The measured result shows dual band operation with wide 10 dB impedance bandwidths of 680 GHz) and 2300 GHz) which covers the bandwidth requirements of 5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN, 5 GHz HiPERLAN, 3.5/5.5 GHz WiMAX and 5.2 GHz HisWaNa application bands. In this article, a compact microstrip-fed planar monopole antenna using a small U shaped slot loaded partial ground plane has been presented for wireless communication applications. The proposed printed monopole antenna provides dual broad frequency bands with much smaller antenna size and less complex structure compared to the dual band monopole antennas proposed in Refs. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] . In this design, it is more attractive that the proposed monopole antenna has one sharp stop band compared with the antennas presented in Refs. [9-10] and this will surely improve the performance of applicable dual band systems. The proposed monopole antenna also indicates better stable radiation patterns characteristics compared to Refs. [11] [12] . The novelty of the proposed work is dual frequency operation with broad impedance bandwidth by introducing a single small U shaped slot into the ground plane and without any modification in the radiating patch. The proposed antenna has achieved broad impedance bandwidth without using thick foam or air substrates. The structure of the antenna is very simple and easy to fabricate. The proposed antenna provides good radiation characteristics in much smaller size. Moreover, the same antenna covers the bandwidth requirements of a number of modern wireless communication systems such as , and GHz) wireless application bands. The performance comparison of the proposed antenna with some other works [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8] is shown in Table 3 . It is clear from the table that the proposed antenna not only has smaller size but also offers better impedance bandwidth at dual frequency bands to simultaneously cover the bandwidth requirement of a number of modern wireless communication application bands such as WiMAX (3.30-3.60 GHz, 5.25-5.85 GHz), , and GHz) wireless application bands.
doi:10.14257/ijfgcn.2017.10.4.09 fatcat:idqsrzuyefhnjfml5wvizbl63a