Between Internationalism and Empire: Ireland, the 'Like-Minded' Group, and the Search for a New International Order, 1974–82

Kevin O'Sullivan
2015 International History Review  
This article examines the response of a group of small and medium-sized states to the global South's demands for a new international economic order in the 1970s and early 1980s. Reading that experience through the eyes of the group's smallest state, Ireland, it describes the rise of a loosely organised collective whose support for economic justice was based on three pillars: social democracy, Christian justice, and a broadly held (if variously defined) anti-colonialism. Internationalism, and in
more » ... particular support for the institutions of the United Nations, became another distinguishing feature of 'like-minded' action, and was an attempt by those states to carve out a space for independent action in the Cold War. Détente and the decline of American hegemony helped in that respect, by encouraging a more globalist reading of the world order. Once the United States resumed its interventionist policies in the late 1970s, the room for 'like-minded' initiatives declined. Yet the actions of the 'likeminded' states should not be understood solely in terms of the changing dynamics of the Cold War. This article concludes by arguing for the prominence of empire, decolonisation, and the enduring North-South binary in shaping international relations in a postcolonial world.
doi:10.1080/07075332.2015.1070893 fatcat:nrrxn7tdzbgadcuu6ueihoueiu