Approximate Entropy Based Fault Localization and Fault Type Recognition for Non-solidly Earthed Network

Qingle Pang, Xinyun Liu, Bo Sun, Qunli Ling
2012 Measurement Science Review  
For non-solidly earthed network, the fault localization of single phase grounding fault has been a problem. A novel fault localization and fault type recognition method of single phase grounding fault based on approximate entropy is presented. The approximate entropies of transient zero sequence current at both ends of healthy section are approximately equal, and the ratio is close to 1. On the contrary, the approximate entropies at both ends of fault section are different, and the ratio is far
more » ... from 1. So, the fault section is located. At the same fault section, the smaller is the fault resistance, the larger is the approximate entropy of transient zero sequence current. According to the function between approximate entropy and fault resistance, the fault type is determined. The method has the advantages of transferring less data and unneeded synchronous sampling accurately. The simulation results show that the proposed method is feasible and accurate.
doi:10.2478/v10048-012-0043-4 fatcat:ylm2dbgbbne25gkkcioqmw2hni