An integrated hydrological and hydrochemical study of surface and groundwaters in the Bungawalbin Creek catchment, northeast NSW, Australia [thesis]

Malcolm Napier
This study integrates hydrological, geophysical, geochemical and isotopic data to develop a conceptual model of surface and groundwater in the Bungawalbin Creek catchment, the southern sub-catchment of the Richmond River in north eastern New South Wales, Australia. The investigation brings together existing and newly-acquired data to provide new insights into the hydrogeology of the Clarence-Moreton Basin consolidated sediments as well as the South Casino Gravel shallow alluvial aquifer, and
more » ... hlights connectivity between the aquifers and with surface water. Borehole stratigraphic data has been used to create a 3-D digital model of the consolidated sediments and has emphasized the presence of a major fault structure, the Coraki Fault.
doi:10.5204/thesis.eprints.103979 fatcat:deyom6k4jfbd5asj7ldtlheofy