MOESM2 of A MYB-related transcription factor from sheepgrass, LcMYB2, promotes seed germination and root growth under drought stress

Pincang Zhao, Shenglin Hou, Xiufang Guo, Junting Jia, Weiguang Yang, Zhujiang Liu, Shuangyan Chen, Xiaoxia Li, Dongmei Qi, Gongshe Liu, Liqin Cheng
2019 Figshare  
Additional file 2. S2. Amplification of full-length LcMYB2 and Amplification of LcDREB2 promoter sequence.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.11405583 fatcat:3ffq357ribepllqpvwmoz4ltre