Envelope model of load voltage on series-series compensated wireless power transfer via magnetic resonance coupling

Daisuke Gunji, Takehiro Imura, Hiroshi Fujimoto
2015 2015 IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (2015 WoW)  
In order to analyze and design a controller of wireless power transfer (WPT), modeling of transient response is important. In this research, we propose envelop model of the load voltage for series-series (SS) compensated WPT circuit via magnetic resonance coupling. A state equation and transfer functions are derived from equivalent circuit of SS compensated WPT circuit. Transfer function which express envelope of a load voltage is also derived. The proposed envelope model is verified by
more » ... nt. A feedback controller of the load voltage is designed using the proposed envelope model and effectiveness of the control is verified by experiment. Keywords-wireless power transfer, pole-zero map, envelope model 978-1-4799-6610-3/15/$31.00 c ⃝2015 IEEE
doi:10.1109/wow.2015.7132853 fatcat:7tid5zssabdgjahtnfcepwpowm