Molecular Classification of Breast Cancer in the Region of Constantine: An Epidemiological Study

Sara Khelf, Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory, Department of Animal Biology, University of the Mentouri-Constantine brothers 1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria, Leila Guedjali, Souad Haddad, Dalila Satta, Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory, Department of Animal Biology, University of the Mentouri-Constantine brothers 1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria, Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory, Department of Animal Biology, University of the Mentouri-Constantine brothers 1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria, Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory, Department of Animal Biology, University of the Mentouri-Constantine brothers 1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
2020 Journal of Nanosciences Research & Reports  
Breast cancer (CS) is the most common female cancer worldwide, ranking first in Algeria for its frequency and mortality .Molecular classification has distinguished at least four molecular types: luminal A, luminal B, HER2 and basal-like. Our objective is to study the phenotypic profile of breast cancer in women with cancer as well as the different clinical, immunohistochemical and therapeutic aspects of different molecular groups.We undertook a retrospective study between October 2016 and
more » ... er 2017. This study involved 121 files. The distribution of the population according to age showed that the most affected age group is [53-63] years old with 35%. Molecular classification results showed that the most common type was luminal A at 37.19%, followed by luminal type B at 27.27%, basal-like at 19.83%, and HER2 at 15.70%. Breast cancer of luminal type, expressing[ ER], accounts for 70 to 80% of all mammary carcinomas and that the luminal group A is the most common with proportions of 58 , 5% and 54.3% respectively while the distinction is observed in the other groups. Molecular classification plays a very important role in the treatment. This result shows that luminal type A is the most common, and that postmenopausal women are most likely to have breast cancer. This classification is very important in the orientation of the treatment. The resulting molecular classification is expected to better classify tumors to a personalized therapy. Breast cancer, molecular classification, immunohistochemistry, hormone receptors, HER2 status
doi:10.47363/jnsrr/2020(2)104 fatcat:a23vmtqmy5gyvjtua5po5uxxeu