W-LEACH Decentralized: Weighted LEACH with a Decentralized way

Abdelhalim HNINI, Abdellah EZZATI, Mohammed FIHRI, Abdelmajid HAJAMI
2014 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
A mobile WSN is considered as a collection of wireless mobile nodes and a base station forming an ad-hoc network. This type of network is used in various areas; such as underwater and underground. Each node has a limited energy and a random mobilization. Since the energy consumption is a very important factor, the Hierarchical protocols can solve this problem for instance the LEACH protocol. W-LEACH is a LEACH extension which extends the network lifetime but this protocol uses sensor location
more » ... organize the network so it is not effective in an area where the location of nodes is impossible with mobility. In this paper, we improve an old algorithm (W-LEACH) to a new protocol called W-LEACH Decentralized to increase network lifetime without the use of maps. Besides, we are going to compare this protocol with LEACH in term of network lifetime and energy dissipation using Network Simulator.
doi:10.9790/0661-16273239 fatcat:4cbmphpqqveifke4cqdhtlewt4