Immobilization of Barium from an Aqueous Solution by Crystalline Hydrated Titania Fibers

Yoshinori FUJIKI, Yu KOMATSU, Takayoshi SASAKI
1986 Journal of the Ceramic Association Japan  
From a viewpoint of the treatment of high level radioactive liquid waste, the immobilization of barium ion from an aqueous solution was studied by using two kinds of crystalline hydrated titania fibers, H2Ti49nH2O and H2Ti25n2O, as the cation adsorbent. The saturated uptake of barium ions from barium hydroxide solutions gave 4.88meq/g on the H2Ti25 nH2O adsorbent and 2.66meq/g on the H2Ti49nH2O adsorbent. The barium ions adsorbed on the former adsorbent were immobilized into a mineral
more » ... consisting of BaTi4O9 and rutile, and those on the latter one were immobilized into a mineral assemblage of BaTi511, BaTi49 and rutile at calcination temperatures up to 1100. However, the BaTi511 phase was thermally decomposed into BaTi49 and rutile by calcining at 1200. The leachabilities of barium ions in these immobilizers were measured at 25 under normal atmospheric conditions using distilled water. The results indicated that the Ba-immobilizers are very stable with high leach resistance of maximal 2.710-9g/cm• d [Received April 18, 1985] K ey words : Crystalline hydrated titania fiber, Hydrated titania adsorbent, Immobilization of barium ion 1.
doi:10.2109/jcersj1950.94.1087_313 fatcat:uphjjnbxmndktleurl3s43avb4