3. Representations of Border Deaths and the Making and Unmaking of Borders [chapter]

Giulia Sinatti, Renske Vos, Paolo Cuttitta, Tamara Last
2019 Border Deaths  
In this chapter, we focus on representations of border deaths as expressions of 'borderwork' by state and non-state actors. Through (non-) representations, illustrations of border deaths produce specific meanings that extend the physical space in which bordering processes occur to a de-territorialized space. This chapter asks how different actors see and present border deaths. Who represents whom or what? Why, how and for which audience? Why are some deaths presented as border deaths, whilst
more » ... ers are not? The chapter highlights how every representation is partial and positioned. By unveiling the different underlying agendas of different actors, we conclude that the study of border death representations may contribute to a deeper understanding of how 'borderwork' contributes to producing, reproducing and transforming the border.
doi:10.1515/9789048550203-006 fatcat:iyg5xvsh65fxxf5rbjgugp4um4