ANN-Based DEM Fusion and DEM Improvement Frameworks in Regions of Assam and Meghalaya using Remote Sensing Datasets

Priti Girohi, Ashutosh Bhardwaj
2022 European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences  
The Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are a key and primary input to a large number of modelling processes such as disaster risk monitoring, flood modelling, hydrology, geology, geomorphology, climatology, and environmental study applications. The DEM serves as an important source of topographic information representing the continuous surface of the earth in 3 dimensions with x, y and z coordinates of any point in a grided raster form or a vector TIN form. This study is based on developing a new
more » ... ethod using the universal approximation capability of neural networks for the fusion and improvement of L-band and X-band SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) DEMs in the complex terrain of Assam and Meghalaya states of the Indian geographic region using the DEM fusion technique. The high-spatial-resolution ALOS PALSAR RTC HR 12.5 m DEM products are used in a fusion framework designed with neural network models. The network adaptively learns the terrain information to produce fused DEM products. The neural network models generate the relationship between the input elevation information from ALOS PALSAR DEMs and precise reference elevation from ICESat-2 spaceborne altimetry as target data. The training and testing data samples are prepared and filtered by checking the correct range of elevation from the toposheets of this region. Different models are used to separately train for the relatively plain valley portion of the Assam region and mountainous portions of the highland Shillong plateau. The obtained fused DEMs from the developed neural net structure are assessed for their quality and accuracy by estimating the RMSE parameter. The fused DEM attains an RMSE value of 7 meters for the complete region which is a significant improvement over the input DEM RMSE of approximately 11 meters. The plain area points and mountainous region points are assessed separately to analyze the predictions from neural nets in the two types of terrains observed in this study site. Moreover, TanDEM-X 90 m DEM is improved using the neural network modeling in the geometric distortions affected areas, which shows an improvement of around 33% overall at the study site. The assessment of plain and mountainous region points for near-ground points shows an improvement of 47% and 55% respectively. The fusion framework designed using the neural network models is an effective and efficient method for obtaining fused DEMs as well as for the improvement of the existing DEMs for complex terrain.
doi:10.24018/ejgeo.2022.3.4.305 fatcat:wxslbmmj4fgxfodjr5ock4wgx4