High School Students' Cosmic Ray Measurements during a Solar Eclipse

Mark Adams, Anthony Valsamis, Clarissa Carr, Jacob Rosenberg, Nathan Unterman, Tamar Dallal, Michelle Matten, Jacob Miller, Ezra Schur, Allen Sears
2020 Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2019)   unpublished
Many high schools use QuarkNet cosmic ray muon detectors to learn the scientific process through a variety of experiments investigating cosmic rays. The total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 provided an opportunity to measure any deviation in secondary cosmic ray flux more than 2 GeV. Students and teachers from high schools near Chicago designed telescopes to carry out measurements of the rate of cosmic ray muons in the direction of the sun during the August 21, 2017 North American solar
more » ... e. As an independent study project, teams constructed prototypes, measured background rates of muons, and designed two types of telescopes. For four days they operated four types of telescopes in a location where the eclipse was total. It was hypothesized that during a total solar eclipse, the muon flux changes. This research was possible due to an outreach program from QuarkNet, funded by the National Science Foundation.
doi:10.22323/1.358.1046 fatcat:bjnnfudb25e6rfa7fkhkwx5dw4