Iodine and Selenium Effect on Thyroid Status and Gluthatione Peroxidases Activity in Hypothyroid Male Wistar Rats

Prihatin Broto Sukandar, Alfien Susbiantonny, Hastin Dyah Kusumawardani, Sri Supadmi, Balai Litbang, Gaki Magelang, Kavling Jayan, Magelang
Background. Iodine and selenium deficiency have important role on hypothyroidism. Iodine is an essential microelement in the thyroid hormone in its role on development and growth. Selenium is an essential component of Glutathione Peroxidises (GSH-Px) the antioxidant enzyme. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid status by measuring Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and activity of GSH-Px after iodine and selenium treatment. Method. This is an experimental, randomized pre and
more » ... st control study. Twenty five weeks male Wistar rats were induced by propylthiouracil (PTU) for four week before and four week during interventions. Subjects were divided into four groups offive. Group I (control hypothyroidism), group II (iodine supplementation), group III (selenium supplementation), group IV (iodine + selenium supplementation). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and paired t test at 95 percent confidence interval. Results. There is no difference between Levels of TSH in hypothyroidism between groups (p=0.721). Levels and Delta of TSH between groups were difference at the end study, with p=0.013 and p=0.000 respectivelly. Levels of TSH before and after treatment were different in each group, (group I, p=0.031, group II, p=0.003, group III, p=0.004, group IV, p=0.010). There were no different activity of GSH-Px between groups and in each group p=0.081 and p=0.104. Delta of GSH-Px was not different, p=0.476. Activity of GSH-Px before and after treatment only showed differences in group IV (group I, p=0.042, group II, p=0.009, group III, p=0.01, group IV, p=0.623). Conclusion. Intervention of iodine and selenium can reduce levels of TSH and GSH-Px activity. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Kekurangan iodium dan selenium berperan penting terhadap terjadinya hipotiroid. Iodium adalah mikroelemen esensial dalam hormon tiroid yang berperan penting pada perkembangan dan pertumbuhan serta metabolisme tubuh. Selenium adalah komponen esensial enzim Glutathion Peroksidase (GSH-Px), termasuk antioksidan golongan selenoenzymes. Tujuan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji perubahan kadar Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) dan aktivitas GSH-Px pada pemberian suplementasi iodium dan selenium. Metode. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental, dengan desain randomisasi pre dan post kontrol. Digunakan tikus putih jantan jenis Wistar umur lima minggu. Subyek dibagi empat kelompok, setiap kelompok berjumlah lima ekor; kelompok I (kontrol hipotiroid), kelompok II (diberi suplemen iodium), kelompok III (diberi suplemen selenium), kelompok IV (diberi suplemen iodium+selenium). Tikus dikondisikan menjadi hipotiroid dengan propylthiouracil (PTU) selama empat minggu dan intervensi juga dilakukan selama empat minggu. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova