Reconsidering Intercultural Communication Competence Development in Different Social Patterns - Starting from the Study of Greetings

Linqi Liu
2018 International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education  
Greeting is a universal phenomenon in human life and part of people's daily communication. Greeting can be described as the exchange of expressions, pleasantries or good wishes between two people interacting for the purpose of fulfilling social obligations, or for the establishment of interpersonal relationships. It occurs at the beginning of an interaction or as a sign of its closing. They are linguistic routines that form part of the repertoire of politeness. Greetings regulate the behavior
more » ... tterns of each other in social interaction. They are an integral part of interactional discourse and serve as prelude to the establishment of social relationships. However, how to visualize and how to realize it will most probably be culture-specific. The use of greetings in intercultural communication is much more problematic than what people may think. It is necessary for us to understand and strengthen our intercultural communication competence.
doi:10.20533/ijcdse.2042.6364.2018.0454 fatcat:qkkigunwnzf6rgom23bgdlnjpq