Seeing the Canopy for the Branches: Improved Within Canopy Scaling of Leaf Nitrogen

Ethan E. Butler, Ming Chen, Daniel Ricciuto, Habacuc Flores‐Moreno, Kirk R. Wythers, Jens Kattge, Peter E. Thornton, Peter B. Reich
2020 Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems  
 We identified a mathematical inconsistency in a sub-model scaling nitrogen from leaf to canopy as used in some global land surface models  Correcting the inconsistency appreciably reduces predicted global Gross Primary Production (GPP)  We also show that ignoring twigs, branches, stems, and dead leaves in canopy shading schemes introduces errors in global GPP estimates
doi:10.1029/2020ms002237 fatcat:t46zhhpak5gs5lr23cnlwgfnwm