Gilbert ferromagnetic damping theory and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem

A. Widom, C. Vittoria, S. D. Yoon
2010 Journal of Applied Physics  
Evolution of ferromagnetic and spin-wave resonances with crystalline order in thin films of full-Heusler alloy Co2MnSi J. Appl. Phys. 111, 023912 (2012) Frequency-selective control of ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in magnetic multilayers Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 032402 (2012) Spin wave modes in ferromagnetic tubes J. Appl. Phys. 111, 013905 (2012) Hysteretic spin-wave excitation in spin-torque oscillators as a function of the in-plane field angle: A micromagnetic description J. Appl. Phys.
more » ... , 123913 (2011) Multi-domain resonance in textured Z-type hexagonal ferrite The phenomenological Gilbert-Landau-Lifshitz theory of magnetic damping in ordered magnetic materials has long served as the central model employed in the analysis of considerable experimental magnetic resonance data. The problem undertaken here is to formulate the microscopic basis of the model in terms of usual theory of irreversible transport embodied in the fluctuation-dissipation-response theorems. As an application of the general method we establish a rigorous relationship between magnetic damping and acoustic damping implicit in magnetoelastic models.
doi:10.1063/1.3330646 fatcat:2vysexba7rhd5f55nny76smcdm