Implementation of Controller for PMBLDC Motor Drive based Electric Vehicle

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
The entire research community working on automobiles have turned their focus on electric vehicle. PMBLDC motor is very popular in industrial and household applications due to its high efficiency, high power density and low maintenance cost. The rapid advancement in power electronics devices and controllers aids the use of PMBLDC motor in electrical drives system instead of conventional DC motor and AC motor. In this paper we have discussed a Simulink model of Bi-directional speed control for
more » ... h torque to volume ratio PMBLDC motor to control the speed of PMBLDC motor in electric vehicle application. In this scheme the direction of motor is changed only with change in switching pattern. So this method is a cost effective method. The same strategy has been implemented using DSPIC4011, 16 bit microcontroller. The Raspberry Pi acts as a gateway to configure the unique ID for the application and connect it with the web server. The device is capable of sending the sensor value to the database and the user can able to monitor the value in the web page.
doi:10.35940/ijeat.a1036.1091s19 fatcat:45vsgc4ywzhhnpxcdjldprv4gq