Pore Studies of Carbonate Aggregates by an Evaporation Technique : Informational Report [report]

Harold Brown
1968 unpublished
The attached report titled "Tore Studies of Carbonate Aggregates by an Evaporation Technique" by Harold Reid Brown is submitted to the Board as information. Mr. Brown performed the research under the guidance of W. L. Dolch of our staff while using laboratory facilities of the Portland Cement Association and while employed by that organization. The purpose of the project was to investigate the phenomena associated with the evaporation of a liquid from a porous solid, to relate these to pore
more » ... meter of the solid and to apply these techniques to carbonate coarse aggregates in an effort to predict their durability in concrete under freezing and thawing. For the latter purpose, laboratory freezing and thawing was found to categorize the aggregates reasonably well. The report is presented to the Board as information.
doi:10.5703/1288284313742 fatcat:cgs52z5mlnheflnibdpgcypcli