Isotopic Tracers of Abiotic Amino Acid Synthesis

Laura Chimiak, Alex Sessions, John Eiler, Carl Blumenfeld
2021 Goldschmidt2021 abstracts   unpublished
The search for extraterrestrial life and evidence of its origins often focuses on small biorelevant compounds such as α-amino acids. As known life requires these molecules, their presence could aid the formation or provide evidence of life. To ascertain which of these a compound represents-if they were produced biotically or abiotically-isotopic analyses and relative abundances can constrain their synthetic histories. Compound-specific isotopic analysis of the amino acids and aldehydes from a
more » ... ite of carbonaceous chondrites suggest that Strecker synthesis produced meteoritic amino acids. Site-specific carbon isotope analyses of alanine from a sample of the Murchison meteorite further support Strecker synthesis from a 13 C-rich, possibly ISM-sourced, acetaldehyde and 13 C-poor
doi:10.7185/gold2021.6470 fatcat:dqv2fe7elbekfo2rwrwurldamu