Internet of Things (IoT) Application for Management in Automotive Parts Manufacturing

Apiwat Krommuang, Opal Suwunnamek
2022 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Automotive parts manufacturing focuses on sustainable development manufacturing capabilities with future technology changes. Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in applying internet technology to machines and equipment in manufacturing processes for transformation towards Industry 4.0 as well as creating values added and higher competitive advantage for the sustainability of the industries. This research aims to study factors that influence decision-makers in selecting IoT
more » ... ons for managing auto parts production and they consist of connectivity, telepresence, intelligence, security, and value including their fifteen sub-factors. In this research, The Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) is a Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique used to analyze, identify, and prioritize factors in selecting IoT applications for managing production processes. The questionnaire is designed based on the FANP technique to survey the importance of weight for each factor from executives of 88 auto parts manufacturers who authorize as the decision-makers for selecting IoT applications. The results have indicated that telepresence is the most important factor that will assist them in controlling production to guarantee that production capabilities meet the objective and connectivity is the second important factor that must ensure that IoT applications are compatible with their machinery and equipment can be controlled smoothly and precisely. Meanwhile, performance is the most important sub-factor and other subfactors are ranked as functional orientation, data management, control, and compatibility respectively. Therefore, manufacturers can use this research as a criterion for selecting appropriate IoT applications for controlling their manufacturing for sustainable effectiveness.
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2022.0130474 fatcat:ytuvhbu4s5arxbcwybyja5zzye