Posterolateral approach for decompression with anterior and posterior fusion: a less invasive surgical technique for stabilization of the thoracic spine

Kaushik Das, Ahmed Rawanduzy, William T. Couldwell
1998 Neurosurgical Focus  
The goals of surgery in unstable thoracic fractures or tumors involving the thoracic spine are neural decompression, correction of deformity, and stabilization. Several different approaches can be used to achieve these goals. The anterior, combined anterior and posterior, and more recently thoracoscopic approaches are well described in the literature and are extremely effective in achieving the goals mentioned. However, they do carry with them significant morbidity and mortality rates in
more » ... s who are elderly, who have associated medical problems, or for whom there are contraindications to thoracic surgery. The authors believe the posterolateral approach is a viable alternative that is reasonably well tolerated in this select patient population. One can achieve circumferential neural decompression as well as anterior and posterior arthrodesis through a single incision. Most neurosurgeons are familiar with the anatomical landmarks and technical steps in the posterolateral approach, and the authors believe it is a less invasive method that can be especially useful and should not be overlooked in this subgroup of patients. Key Words * decompression * thoracic spine * posterolateral approach 10. Stillerman CB, Chen TC, Diaz Day J, et al: The transfacet pedicle-sparing approach for thoracic disc removal: cadaveric morphometric analysis and preliminary clinical experience.
doi:10.3171/foc.1998.4.2.6 pmid:17206768 fatcat:s6w6zamit5gcddjwwlgqr5yea4