An illumination-invariant phase-shifting algorithm for three-dimensional profilometry

Fuqin Deng, Chang Liu, Wuifung Sze, Jiangwen Deng, Kenneth S. M. Fung, W. H. Leung, Edmund Y. Lam, Philip R. Bingham, Edmund Y. Lam
2012 Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications V  
Uneven illumination is a common problem in practical optical systems designed for machine vision applications, and it leads to significant errors when phase-shifting algorithms (PSA) are used to reconstruct the surface of a moving object. We propose an illumination-reflectivityfocus model to characterize this uneven illumination effect on phase-measuring profilometry. With this model, we separate the illumination factor effectively and consider the phase reconstruction from an optimization
more » ... ective. Furthermore, we formulate an illumination-invariant phaseshifting algorithm (II-PSA) to reconstruct the surface of a moving object under an uneven illumination environment. Experimental results show that it can improve the reconstruction quality both visually and numerically. Downloaded From: on 09/10/2013 Terms of Use:
doi:10.1117/12.911113 fatcat:uq6n3jnuszbixem5snqsoo2kwy