Development of an interaction model of sea and land transport in the transportation of perishable goods

Vera Baginova, Dmitry Ushakov, Andrey Zenkin, A. Zheltenkov, A. Mottaeva
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
The issues of the interaction of sea and land transport during the transportation of perishable goods are especially in demand at present in connection with the active development of intermodal transport. In addition, due to the rapidly changing specifics of the transport and logistics infrastructure in ports and terminals, the organization of transportation of perishable goods, which are especially vulnerable in terms of quality, requires new approaches and methods. The paper notes the high
more » ... ortance of preliminary preparation for the process of interaction between marine and land transport by operators of marine and land transport. On the part of the marine transport operator, it is advisable to focus on the pre-contractual work and clarification of the conditions for the formation of the freight rate; on the part of the land transportation operator, in the process of preliminary preparation, the state of the transport network for transporting refrigerated cargo near the port is of great importance. The paper proposes two new indicators for assessing the state of the transport network for the transportation of refrigerated goods. At the end of the paper, a model of the interaction of sea and land transport during the transportation of perishable goods with the expression of the multitude of cargo flows of perishable goods in the port through the matrix form is presented.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202016403031 fatcat:xtnkxn7z5jdt7nn6brti2xco44