Postmalaria Neurological Syndrome: Two Cases from The Gambia

Stephen D. Lawn, Katie L. Flanagan, Stephen G. Wright, Tom F. Doherty, Peter Godfrey‐Faussett
2003 Clinical Infectious Diseases  
We describe 2 patients with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria whose convalescence was complicated by fever, with acute confusion and acalculia in one patient and a triad of myoclonus, tremor, and dysphasia in the other. Inflammatory changes were found in cerebrospinal fluid samples. Postmalaria neurological syndrome was diagnosed in each patient, and a therapeutic response to oral corticosteroids was seen in the second patient.
doi:10.1086/344774 pmid:12522765 fatcat:i6w4lv4zgzfudhkserlste5iru