How Much on that Doggie at the Window? An Analysis of the Decline in Greyhound Racing Handle

Margaret A. Ray
2001 The Review of Regional Studies  
In recent years, considerable attention has been given to the role of legalized gambling in regional economic development. Evidence of the effectiveness of legalized gambling activities in causing economic growth has led to its expansion in the United States. This paper looks at the greyhound parimutuel racing industry to determine the factors affecting the handle (total amount of money bet legally at pari-mutuel tracks) on greyhound races (live and off-track/ intertrack). Identifying these
more » ... ors is necessary for the industry and public policy makers to address the decline in greyhound racing wagering throughout the 1990s and the associated reversal in economic growth.
doi:10.52324/001c.8523 fatcat:7dosit7mvva7diha5ye2qatg2m