Treated Water Quality Characteristic of Small Scale Water Works in West Gyeong-Nam
서부경남지역 소규모 급수시설의 정수 수질특성 조사에 관한 연구

Hyungeoun Park, Kyungmi Kim
2012 Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers  
The Characteristics of small scale water works at west Gyeong-nam was analyzed by investigationg the 6,569 cases which were carried out from Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2010. The result of the research about treated water quality the highest mean concentration of fluorine was 0.19 mg/L at Hamyang the highest mean concentration of Nitrite nitrogen was 3.7 mg/L at Namhae each the highest mean concentration of Hardness, Total solids, Sulfate was 177 mg/L, 271 mg/L, 80 mg/L at Uiryeong. In the case of
more » ... rks originated from valleys, the total bacterial count and turbidity were higher than ones originated from groundwater. On the other hand, nitrate nitrogen, total solids, hardness, sulfate, fluorine and iron were detected more than ones originated from valleys.
doi:10.4491/ksee.2012.34.7.454 fatcat:zhmpkhrkpnav3n4npuc5zl2r6e