Peculiar features arising from merging galaxy clusters: the case of A1644 and A2034

Rogério Monteiro-Oliveira
2021 Zenodo  
Galaxy clusters constitute the building blocks of the large scale structure, and some interesting events arise during the collisions among them. For example, we can cite the intracluster medium gas (ICM) sloshing or, in more extreme events, the temporary ICM stripping of the cluster potential well. A combination of weak lensing + spectroscopy + hydrodynamical simulations has been proven powerful to describe the three cluster main components (sorted in ascending mass), galaxies, ICM and dark
more » ... er (DM), and therefore, understand the origin of those phenomena. In this presentantion, I'll introduce the interesting case of an "invisible" structure inducing a gas sloshing in the merging cluster A1644 (Monteiro-Oliveira et al. 2020; Doubrawa et al. 2020) and how the offset ICM - DM we currently observe in the interacting system A2034 (Monteiro-Oliveira et al. 2018; Moura, Machado & Monteiro-Oliveira et al. 2021) can be explained in agreement with the standard CDM instead of evoking non-gravitational interactions of DM.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4911126 fatcat:7kizj2gipjdmnczcrn4a5v6eh4