Effects of Non-Standard Interactions in the MINOS Experiment

Tommy Ohlsson, Osamu Yasuda, Naba Mondal, Chihiro Ohmori
2008 AIP Conference Proceedings  
In this talk, we investigate the effects of non-standard interactions (NSI) in the MINOS experiment based on a full three-flavor neutrino oscillation framework simulation. The simulation was performed using the GLoBES software. The results indicate that the allowed region in the sin (2023)-A»J3J plane is extended due to NSI effects, that there is a degeneracy between the leptonic mixing angle Sj^ and the NSI parameter Eg than CHOOZ only for small values of \Eei\. Keywords: neutrino
more » ... non-standard interactions, the MINOS experiment PACS: 13.15.+g, 14.60.Lm, 14.60.Pq , and that MINOS can put a lower upper bound on sin (20j
doi:10.1063/1.2898937 fatcat:e73jsrt7fvaynfjrgjujbw5luy