Is simulation in health different?

Antuela A Tako, Stewart Robinson
2015 Journal of the Operational Research Society  
It is often stated that health simulation is quite different and even that it is more difficult than in other sectors. But, is simulation in health really different to simulation in other sectorselsewhere? In this paper we explore this question through a survey of simulation modellers and academics. We elicit their opinions across a range of factors concerning the difficulties of health modelling against modelling in other domains. The analysis considers the responses of the whole group of
more » ... ndents and the sub-group of respondents who have experience both in and outside of health modelling. The results show that, overall, there is a perception that health modelling is different and that it is more difficult across a range of factors. The implications for simulation research and practice in health are discussed.
doi:10.1057/jors.2014.25 fatcat:jmajhjkdqzfb7ph3eammwdw4ye