Selecting alternative sterile and non-sterile substrates for mycorrhizal inoculant production

Laura Mathias Barroso, Roberta Dias da Silva Lisboa, Silvaldo Felipe da Silveira, Solange Silva Samarão, Luciana Aparecida Rodrigues
2022 Revista Ceres  
Alternative substrates were evaluated for mycorrhizal inoculants production considering the beneficial effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for plants and environment. The first step of the experiment aimed at evaluating the potential of substrates produced from sugarcane bagasse (SB), coconut fibre (CF) and urban waste compost (UWC) to produce AMF inoculants, by using Brachiaria decumbens as multiplier plant. The experiment has followed a randomized block design, at 7x3 factorial arrangement (seven substrates: SB, CF,
doi:10.1590/0034-737x202269050014 fatcat:3jjqcswhojb3zeacwuw5wmc4dm