A bibliometric contribution of the strategies of reverse logistics in waste electrical and electronic equipment (weee) management [post]

Ramon Gomes Silva, Izamara Cristina Palheta Dias, Marcelo Carneiro Gonçalves
2019 unpublished
In recent years, with the increasing of waste, the reverse logistics become an important strategy for meeting the necessaries of the society and work market. Among the huge amount of discard products are the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), which it has become a major problem for developing countries due to its harmful effects. This paper characterizes and analyses the bibliometric review of the reverse logistics strategies applied in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
more » ... EEE) Management. The methodological approach used is the systematic review of the literature, based on bibliometric theory, through consultation with the ISI Web bases of Science and Scopus, and their treatment by Excel and Mendeley software. For research was used "Reverse Logistics" and "WEEE" as an expressions key, generating a sample of 43 articles published. At the end of the study were presented descriptive analysis results with the identification of the years, authors, research source, countries and research methods, and a bibliometric analysis results by the number of citations.
doi:10.31224/osf.io/ykrve fatcat:uifuivzvhzbo3ak2cjlxeredge