Medical Diary for the ensuing Week

1895 The Lancet  
MONDAY.-London (2 P.M.). St. Bartholomew's (1.30 P.M.). St. Thomas't (3.30 P.M.), St. George's (1 P.M.), St. Mark's (2 P.M.), Chelsea(2 P.M.), Samaritan (Gynaecological, by Physicians, 2 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), Royal Orthopedic (2 P.M,), City Orthopaedic (4 P.M.), Gt Northern Central (Gynaecological, 2.30 P.M.). TUESDAY.-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew's (1.30 P.M.), Guy'( (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas's (3.30 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M ),
more » ... George's (1 P.M.), St. Mark's (1.30 P.M.), St. Mark's (2 30 P.M ), Cancer (2 P.M.). WEDNESDAY.—St.Bartbolomew's(1.30p.M.),UniversityCoHege(2 P.M.), Royal Free (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Charing-crosa (3 P.M.), St. Thomas's (2 P.M.). London (2 P.M.), King's College (2 P,M.), National Orthopsedic (10 A.M.), St. Peter's (2 P.M.). Samaritan (2.30 P.M.), Gt Ormond-street (9.30 A.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.). THURSDAY.-St. Bartholomew's (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas's (3.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.). St. George'E (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King's College (2 P.M.), Middlesex (2 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), North-West London (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M ). FRIDAY.-London (2 P.M.). St. Bartholomew's (1.30 P.M.), St.'Thomas'e
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(01)98882-8 fatcat:3dskdfluxzdhlgegdvq5mg6zjm