Towards a Sustainable Urban Freight Transport and Urban Distribution

Eftihia G. Nathanail, Konstantinos N. Papoutsis
2013 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering  
Abstract-The objectives of this paper are to: a) develop a comprehensive sustainability impact assessment framework, aiming to improve the use of urban freight transportation in terms of modes, b) support showcasing of urban distribution fleet from a logistics provider and c) apply the proposed sustainability impact assessment framework for the production of outcomes regarding the sustainability performance of urban freight transportation modes. Tools are used such as Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA)
more » ... for the evaluation of transportation modes, stemming from European Commission transport policy objectives, as well as efficiency and productivity targets, environmental indicators including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, etc. In the field of practical showcasing, there will be a case study that will represent its technologies relative to urban distribution fleet. The demonstrator is a Logistics Provider whose main activity is to distribute retail items to an urban area and its interurban agglomeration. The vehicles include two popular light-duty vehicles. As presented below, the score of diesel powered vehicle attains higher sustainability score than the LNG (liquefied natural gas) vehicle thanks to the special characteristics of this type of transportation mode.
doi:10.12720/jtle.1.1.58-63 fatcat:tmdas22wfve5nkzaron7aue3mu