AES study of the adsorption of O/sub 2/, CO, CO/sub 2/, and H/sub 2/O on indium [report]

S.M. Rossnagel, H.F. Dylla, S.A. Cohen
1978 unpublished
The adsorption of various oxygen-containing gases on clean polycrystalline In has been studied. For the In-O-system, the relationship between N(E) areas and dN(E)/dE peak heights for the In MNN Auger transition was found to be linear. At satura tion, an oxygen/indium ratio of 3/2 was measured, consistent with the formation of the stable oxide In^O.. Low coverage sticking coefficients were found to be ".014 for 0" ~.004 for !i_,0, ~5 x 10~ for CO, and ~L X 10~ for CO.. In each case, chemical
more » ... ts and peak distortions in the N(E) and dN(E)/dE spectra have been measured for the gas-saturated In, the largest being -3 eV for the MNN transition of 0,-saturated surface.
doi:10.2172/6534131 fatcat:qtkfh7aflzde7opxykgwvyxqwe