Legal But are they Accepted? The Psycho-Social Impact of Section 377 on the Lgbtqia+ Community: Pre and Post Abolishment in Delhi NCR, India

Aditi Joshi Mehak Madan, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi
2022 International journal of social science and human research  
Historical shreds of evidence show that the LGBTQIA+ community has been fighting for their basic rights for the longest time in India. A qualitative study was conducted to analyze experiences of different individuals belonging to the community living in Delhi NCR, India. Phenomenological approach was used to assess N=13 participants who were recruited using judgement purposive sampling and one-on-one interviews over Zoom were conducted with a semi-structured form of an interview which was
more » ... ped involving questions around their challenges, the sociological impact, and their psychological journey. Thematic analysis was done and six key themes emerged- 1. No significant change in self-confidence and self-acceptance because of the abolishment 2. Fear of losing freedom and financial resources because of their identity 3. Greater acceptance from GenZ than any other generation 4. The law has changed but the perception and acceptance haven't 5. Although the media representation has increased, it isn't apt. 6. Need of established government policies for LGBTQIA+ community. Further studies on a larger scale will help us determine the issues faced by the community and ways to resolve them.
doi:10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i1-21 fatcat:vvu4vzmtizhrpiq7qaefioto2y