Need of conservation of Historical and Geographical Tourism Sites

Hake Ajinkya Sambhaji
2022 Zenodo  
Tourism is most interesting topic lots of people organized tours on every year. They are interested in visiting different place to get knowledge, to research and many more reasons behind it. That people travel and get knowledge from these tourist site and they spread that information through the world wide. Now a days it's Need to protect our tourist sites Because lots of reasons are there. They spoil our natural historical? Geographically tourist site. Here a campaign to save these site as it
more » ... o our next generation. Because it's our heritage is we lost the glory of our heritage then the next so much generations are unaware about our historical and geographically glary. They didn't get information about our heritage and they don't know any knowledge about our tourist sites. The tourist sites play important role in social, economical, cultural development. It we not conserve our history & Geographical sites then these type of development also loss and our nation can't progress towards the high ambitions. The features of historical and geographical sites we conserve or sustain its glory. Preserving cultural and natural heritage, to bring it within reach of all, making cultures and civilization and reducing poverty is what gives meaning to the sustainability ability. The objectives is to inform those factors that need to be taken into account in the use of the tourism development as source for the revitalization of the historical sites.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7500474 fatcat:xwrzzfb2obambhnu2kmloqpc44