New Challenges to ASEAN's Unity and International Role

Elena Fomicheva, Institute of oriental studies, Russian academy of sciences (MOSCOW)
2021 South East Asia: Actual problems of Development  
During its existence, ASEAN has become an authoritative international organization recognized in the world. Its activity was based on the principles of interaction, which, as the members of the Association believed, would contribute to its unbreakable unity. First of all, this is the principle of consensus in decision-making, as well as the principle of non-interference in each other's internal affairs. Attempts to violate these principles have been made before. They have been updated recently
more » ... n connection with the events in the South China Sea and the military coup in Myanmar. Firstly, there are disagreements among the members of the Association regarding China's policy in the South China Sea. Secondly, there is no unity among the ASEAN members in assessing the events in Myanmar. On the other hand, the United States is taking measures to reduce the influence of the Association, which goes against the concept of "ASEAN centrality ", focusing on the creation of other forces in the region (Quad and AUKUS). The American Summit of Democracies, which divided the Association's member countries into democratic and authoritarian ones, contributed to undermining the international significance and unity of ASEAN.
doi:10.31696/2072-8271-2021-3-3-52-036-050 fatcat:jkhcnsyd2jcdxcloulbf7jbe6e