Reflecting on the Nature and Causes of Errors in Second Language Learning and their Classroom Implications

Evariste Manirakiza, Gloriose Mugirase, Innocent Hakizimana
2021 European Journal of Teaching and Education  
Second/Foreign language learning is a complex process. People who learn a language other than their home language often commit errors because they learn in an unnatural way. Scholars mention that some errors originate from mother tongue interferences and this phenomenon results in inter-lingual errors. Other errors are made as a result of the unfamiliarity with the target language when learners are trying to cope with the new language, internalising some concepts. Scholars also highlight those
more » ... rrors can be stabilised and even fossilised. Stabilised errors are errors that can be corrected provided learners have enough exposure to the new language. Nevertheless, errors' fossilisation impacts on the whole language process as learners never know the correct way of using it. The present paper reviews the most common errors and their causes and discusses them from a theoretical standpoint. It also analyses contextual factors that have an impact on errors. Next, the paper emphasises the role of teachers in boosting effective language use among second language learners. Finally, it offers recommendations on how second language errors can be dealt with to promote learning.
doi:10.33422/ejte.v3i4.549 fatcat:7gidr6hp5zfgdamcdussthmyaq