Usability of Library Resources by University Undergraduate Students for National Sustainability in Nigeria

Osaheni Oni, Johnson A Oshobughie, Eshiemokhai Emmanuel Charles
2021 Zenodo  
This study examined the usability of academic library resources by university undergraduates for national sustainability. The study employed a descriptive survey method and questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Undergraduates of the faculty of education and faculty of engineering of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma with a population of five thousand and fifty-one (5051) was selected and used in the study. The sample size of three hundred (300) was randomly selected from the
more » ... otal population. It was revealed from the study that the undergraduates use textbooks to very high extent. It was found from the study that lack of knowledge about the resources, lack of awareness/publicity and Lack of computer training are some of the major challenges militating against undergraduates' use of library resources. The study therefore recommended that university management should organize at regular interval seminar and workshop to sensitize the students on the need to imbibe the habit of constantly utilizing the library resources not only to pass examination but also for self-development in the area of knowledge and skills acquisition that will enable them contribute their quota to national sustainability.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5595618 fatcat:cqldrm3dmbchdav4zcihotdbwe