The Evolution of a Senior Capstone Course in the Context of a Research-Based University Quality Enhancement Plan

Farrokh Attarzadeh, Enrique Barbieri, Miguel Ramos
2008 GSW Proceedings   unpublished
The process of reaffirming accreditation at the University of Houston has identified research-based instruction as a critical component of the campus learning environment for the foreseeable future. This assertion is consistent with broader trends in higher education that tout the benefits of this approach especially with regard to enhancing undergraduate instruction. This paper demonstrates how the Senior Capstone course (ELET 4308) in Computer Engineering Technology paralleled historical
more » ... ts to incorporate research-based learning in the undergraduate curriculum, thus anticipating University efforts in this area. The paper also examines the current state of the Senior Capstone course and relation to the University Quality Enhancement Plan. "The QEP describes a carefully designed and focused course of action that addresses a well-defined topic or issue(s) related to enhancing student learning. The QEP should complement the institution's ongoing integrated institution-wide planning and evaluation process." [2] A representative committee composed of administrators, faculty, staff, and students selected the topic of "undergraduate research" for the QEP after a lengthy data gathering and discussion process regarding how the University could most effectively enhance
doi:10.18260/1-2-370-38544 fatcat:7ti76hmntvblpmzcgirxsc5hjy