A Perpetual Electric Current, Wilkes Land Up to Date, and more

1914 Scientific American  
The Editor is always glad to receive for examination illustrated articles on of timely interest. If �he photograPJ:1s are sharp, the articles and the facts authentlc, the contrIbntlons wIll receive special attention. Accepted articles will be paId for at regular space rates. July 25, 1914 Electricity A Tower Higher Than the Eift'el is in course of con struction at Brus,;; els, and is designed for use as a wireless telegraph station, and for meteorological purposes. It will be 1,093 feet in
more » ... t, while the height of the Eiffel Tower is 984 feet. Electric Resistance of the Skin.-Prof. Von Pfungen is engaged with experiments in his laboratory at Vienna upon the resistance which the human skin affords to the electric current. He operates by passing the current through the body from one hand to the other and measur ing the amount by a sensitive galvanometer. His re searches bear upon the relation of the state of the nervous system to the electric reaistance of the skin, and he claims that nervous excitement of any kind lowers the protecting powe .. of the skin to quite a marked extent. Resistance Alloy.�A new alloy for use in making electric resistance has been lately put on the market in Germany, and is said to be of great use' in case the resistance wires or strips need to be worked at a high heat; for the new alloy of chromium and nickel can be run at even a bright red heat without suffering damage, and such heating does not make the metal brittle upon long use. Specific gravity of the alloy is 8.25, and it has a specific resistance per meter length and square millimeter section of).10 ohms. It can support a tem perature of 1,110 deg. Cent. on constant run. The melt ing point is 1,400 deg. Cent.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican07251914-54 fatcat:fe5nnw7nj5b73gr4qpxl62l5cq