A Rapid Adaptive Reconstruction Method for Stereoscopic Images

DONG Yang, FAN Dazhao, JI Song, LEI Rong
2016 Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica  
Influenced by large elevation variation, traditional ortho stereo image production method for complex terrain regions usually results in insufficient local stereoscopic or diplopia, and thus causes visual fatigue. In order to solve the problem, we introduce a depth mapping model, design a nonlinear mapping function, and according to the actual area elevations, adaptive preprocess height transformation. And then, through iterative and per-pixel solution with parallax function, stereo images are
more » ... inally generated. Finally, we provide an algorithm or a process which can adaptive fast generate stereoscopic images.
doi:10.11947/j.agcs.2016.20150651 doaj:dcb39099e9254e0ca5d0d08fd2755912 fatcat:xnbadyksxrhlljrbnky44ijcae