A Portable and Low Cost System to Blood Glucose, Cholesterol and Urea Identification

Jos� Renato Garcia Braga, Alvaro Antonio Alencar Queiroz, Alexandre Carlos Brand�o Ramos
2012 International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems  
Over the last century there has been a considerable increase in human longevity and this made a large number of people to reach a critical age for development of several diseases. As a result of this increase in life expectancy health issues related, some examples are hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia and increased levels of blood urea. This paper presents a portable and low cost system using Artificial Neural Networks to blood metabolites identification. The system developed is based in
more » ... ometric biosensors and is able to perform the identification of glucose, cholesterol and urea concentrations in the blood. The main goals of this system is: the identification of three types of blood metabolites with their concentrations, the low cost of the entire system and the reuse capability of the biosensor.
doi:10.12785/ijcds/010101 fatcat:kuj6tcbbl5dz5mmacr36q4meru