Characterization of CO2 Leakage into the Freshwater Body

Ashok Singh, Jens-Olaf Delfs, Habing Shao, Olaf Kolditz
2013 Energy Procedia  
Current research into CO 2 capture and storage is dominated by improving the CO 2 storage capacity. In this context, risk related to CO 2 leakage is an important issue which may cause environmental problems, particularly when freshwater resources nearby are intruded by the CO 2 plume. In this work, the leakage into a multi-layered fractured saline aquifer is modelled with a numerical model regarding its pressure build-up process. The investigation is performed with the non-isothermal
more » ... al fluid flow module implemented by authors in the OpenGeoSys (OGS) software for geotechnical applications.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2013.08.055 fatcat:uiobinfklfferlrrhewwfpekim