Development of Academic Speaking Communicative Tasks Model for Students of English Education

A Amrullah, Lalu Thohir, S Sahuddin, N Nawawi, H Henny
2021 Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020)   unpublished
This study aims to determine the appropriate communicative tasks model to maximize the English students' presentation skills at the English study program, University of Mataram, and to identify the obstacles experienced by lecturers who teach academic speaking subjects in the tasks that have been prepared. This study adopted a development procedure model based on Gall [1] such as a) Obtaining information consisting of identifying problems, choosing problem-solving tools, and theoretical
more » ... b) Choosing teaching materials that consist of techniques, teaching, and learning processes. c) Summarize the teaching material. d) Present. d) Evaluating. e) Completion which consists of developing the final product for academic speaking teaching materials. The results of the needs assessment discuss the data collected from questionnaires, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the presentation assignment was the most important part of the lecturers' assessment of students in conveying the main ideas of their reading. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced by lecturers with the tasks that have been prepared are grouped into two aspects, namely linguistic and non-linguistic. Linguistic factors include the ability to choose and use the right vocabulary according to pronouncing English words correctly and using tenses according to the context. Meanwhile, the non-linguistic factors analyzed included aspects of self-confidence, anxiety, and mastery of the topic of the assigned material when appearing in front of the class.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210525.040 fatcat:n4fdw3xpmvaapg53effdksogkq