WHOP: Wormhole attack detection protocol using hound packet

Saurabh Gupta, Subrat Kar, S Dharmaraja
2011 2011 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology  
The lack of centralised infrastructure in ad hoc network makes it vulnerable to various attacks. MANET routing disrupts if participating node do not perform its intended function and start performing malicious activity. A specific attack called Wormmhole attack enables an attacker to record packets at one location in the network, tunnels them to another location, and retransmits them into the network. In this paper, we present a protocol for detecting wormhole attacks without use of any special
more » ... harware such as directional antenna and precise synchronised clock and the protocol is also independent of physical medium of wireless network. After the route discovery, source node initiates wormhole detection process in the established path which counts hop difference between the neighbours of the one hop away nodes in the route. The destination node detects the wormhole if the hop difference between neighbours of the nodes exceeds the acceptable level. Our simulation results shows that the WHOP is quite excellent in detecting wormhole of large tunnel lengths
doi:10.1109/innovations.2011.5893822 fatcat:w7fhmqehdfabncjejl6ptim36e