Acute kidney injury secondary to a combination of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, diuretics and NSAIDS: "The Triple Whammy"

Rosa Maria Garcia Camin, Montse Cols, Julio Leonel Chevarria, Rosa García Osuna, Marc Carreras, Josep Maria Lisbona, Jordi Coderch
2015 Nefrología (English Edition)  
A B S T R A C T Background: Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (ACEI/ARB-II), diuretics and NSAIDs, a combination known as "Triple Whammy", can result in decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and acute kidney injury (AKI). Objectives: To describe the incidence of AKI for each drug type and their combinations. To define the profile of patients admitted for drug-related AKI secondary to Triple Whammy drugs (AKITW), with an assessment of costs and mortality. Methods: A retrospective
more » ... onal 15-month study developed in three stages: -First: a cross-sectional stage to identify and describe hospitalizations due to AKITW. -Second: a follow-up stage of an outpatient cohort consuming these drugs (15,307 subjects). -Third: a cohort stage to assess costs and mortality, which compared 62 hospitalized patients with AKITW and 62 without AKI, paired by medical specialty, sex, age and comorbidity according to their Clinical Risk Groups. Results: There were 85 hospitalization episodes due to AKITW, and 78% of patients were over the age of 70. The incidence of AKITW in the population was 3.40 cases/1000 users/year (95% CI: 2.59-4.45). By categories, these were: NSAIDs + diuretics 8.99 (95% CI: 3.16-25.3); Triple Whammy 8.82 (95% CI: 4.4-17.3); ACEI/ARB-II + diuretics 6.87 (95% CI: 4.81-9.82); and monotherapy with diuretics 3.31 (95% CI: 1.39-7.85). Mean hospital stay was 7.6 days (SD 6.4), and mean avoidable costs were estimated at €214,604/100,000 inhabitants/year. Mortality
doi:10.1016/j.nefroe.2015.05.010 fatcat:kq27dtdnszf6pc3w5ecrn52qjq