Validation of NIEL for >1MeV electrons in silicon using the CCD47-20

B. Dryer, P. H. Smith, T. Nuns, N. J. Murray, K. D. Stefanov, J. P. D. Gow, R. Burgon, D. J. Hall, A. D. Holland, Andrew D. Holland, James Beletic
2016 High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII  
For future space missions that are visiting hostile electron radiation environments, such as ESA's JUICE mission, it is important to understand the effects of electron irradiation on silicon devices. This paper outlines a study to validate and improve upon the Non-Ionising Energy Loss (NIEL) model for high energy electrons in silicon using Charge Coupled Devices (CCD), CMOS Imaging Sensors (CIS) and PIPS photodiodes. Initial results of radiation effects in an e2v technologies CCD47-20 after
more » ... diation to 10 krad of 1 MeV electrons are presented with future results and analysis to be presented in future publications.
doi:10.1117/12.2233975 fatcat:e77fw5svwbeerboey2jlzgnppm