Finite modular groups and lepton mixing
Reinier de Adelhart Toorop, Ferruccio Feruglio, Claudia Hagedorn
Nuclear Physics B
We study lepton mixing patterns which are derived from finite modular groups Gamma_N, requiring subgroups G_nu and G_e to be preserved in the neutrino and charged lepton sectors, respectively. We show that only six groups Gamma_N with N=3,4,5,7,8,16 are relevant. A comprehensive analysis is presented for G_e arbitrary and G_nu=Z2 x Z2, as demanded if neutrinos are Majorana particles. We discuss interesting patterns arising from both groups G_e and G_nu being arbitrary. Several of the most
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... ing patterns are specific deviations from tri-bimaximal mixing, all predicting theta_13 non-zero as favoured by the latest experimental data. We also comment on prospects to extend this idea to the quark sector.