Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring the Spatio-Temporal Changes using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology – A Case Study of Nilambur Block, Malappuram District, Kerala

T. Phanindra Kumar, V. Madhava Rao, N. Rama Krishnan
2016 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
The study made an attempt to assess the environmental change in Nilambur Block using GIS and Remote Sensing. The Satellite images, toposheet and Block boundary map were used to assess the change between 1992, 1997, 2000 and 2005 were found in the block. The change detection analysis, NDVI and RVI method were used to assess the forest cover, deforestation and vegetation density of Nilambur block. All the data were processed and mapped using ArcGIS Software and the accuracy of the result were
more » ... ared using Accuracy Assessment in ERDAS IMAGINE Software. The post field verification also done by using GPS and DGPS survey method.
doi:10.17577/ijertv5is040557 fatcat:ivoumg4aa5bqpmnasymd5y4fca